SSC Exam begins today

16,51,523 to appear this year: 8,42,933 are male; 8,08590 female


Staff Reporter :The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations-2016 under the ten education boards will begin today (Monday). The examinees of 28, 119 institutions will sit for the examinations in 3,143 centres.A total of 16,51,523 students will appear in the examinations this year. Of them 8,42,933 students are male and 8,08,590 female.As many as 1,72,257 students have increased in the SSC and equivalent examinations compared to the last year’s examination.A total of 13,04,274 students will participate in the SSC examination under eight education boards. Of the students, 6,42,507 candidates are male and 6,61,767 female. Some 2,48,865 students will appear in the Dakhil examinations while 98,384 students will participate in the SSC (vocational) examination. For the first time, seven examinees with autism will appear in the SSC examination this year. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said, establishment of an autism academy is underway to deal with the students, who suffer from neurodevelopment disorder aiming to help them continue their studies.A total of 404 students from eight overseas centres will appear in the SSC examinations this year. Examinations of all subjects, except Bangla second paper, English first and second paper, will be held under creative question paper, the Education Ministry sources said.An extra 20 minutes time will be given for students with disabilities in the SSC and the equivalent examinations, while examinees with autism will be given 30 minutes.Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid hoped that the examination would be held in a good atmosphere.
