Sponsors will quit FIFA without reform: Ex official

AFP, Lausanne :
A former top FIFA official who left after criticising its president Sepp Blatter has warned that big sponsors will start leaving world football’s governing body unless major reforms are undertaken.
Michel Zen-Ruffinen, who succeeded Blatter as FIFA secretary general from 1998 until 2002 when the latter was elected president, said he would be interested in returning to the body if “order” is restored to the scandal-tainted body.
Zen-Ruffinen, a critic of Blatter’s leadership style left FIFA in 2002 after producing a report which accused the president of mismanaging FIFA’s finances.
Blatter said last month he would stand down as FIFA was left reeling by two separate corruption investigations.
“I do not exclude returning, but I would have to know who would be running the organisation and if he has the will to put things in order,” Zen-Ruffinen told AFP in an interview.
“There will have to be a break with the past. FIFA will be forced to make certain basic reforms or it will lose big sponsors,” added the 56-year-old.