Spl unit for elderly patients at DMCH


It is good news for thousands of poor elderly patients looking for treatment that sometimes mean taking refuge on the floors of government hospitals.
The biggest public hospital, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), has opened a special unit for them called ‘geriatric unit’, in what may be a model for other medical college hospitals.
Associate Professor of Medicine Md Titu Miah is the co-ordinator of the new unit.
He said they came up with the idea of providing “decent care” to the growing number of elderly people.
The announcement came at a seminar on Wednesday in the medicine department. It was organised to mark the International Day for the old age persons.
“Leaving no one behind: promoting a society for all” is the theme of this year’s celebration.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on Dec 14, 1990 designating Oct 1 as the International Day of Old Age Persons.
Professors of medicine discussed the diseases of the elderly and suggested possible care at the seminar.
Citing a study, Titu Miah said a study by their medicine unit on a specific day found one-quarter of the 332 male patients were above 65 years of age.
It was more than one in 10 for female patients.
“But many of them do not even get beds in this very crowded hospital,” he said.
The special ward which is being supervised by the medicine unit has 28 beds at the second floor of the hospital.
Patients aged above 65 years sufferings from multiple chronic diseases will be admitted in this ward.
This type of special ward is new in government general hospitals including medical colleges. The military hospital CMH has a separate unit for elderly care.
The number of elderly is growing by the day in Bangladesh as the average life expectancy nears 70.
As they grow old, they suffer from multiple chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions, dementia, infections and joint pains that need special care.
The DMCH special unit for them will take this special attention with proper nursing.
“It has to be well-equipped,” Titu Miah said, adding they were seeking government’s support to develop this unit.
