Spiritual unity to prevent militancy underscored


Islamic scholars and spiritual leaders at an international conference here have sought a global spiritual unity against militancy saying vested quarters unleashed a reign of terror to serve an unholy interest.
“Terrorism and militancy have no room in Islam as it (Islam) had emerged only to save the entire mankind with love, love and only love,” national adviser of US-based International Association of Sufism Ahmed Tijani Ben Omar told the Sufi conference.
He said lack of absolute or real faith and love for Allah and his messengers exposed the globe to a crisis while Sufism seeks to restore the love for the creator, his messengers and spiritual leaders to establish peace in individual, social, national and international arena.
Sufi Unity For International Solidarity (SUFIS), Bangladesh, staged the day-long conference at the Krishibid Institute drawing theology experts, religious leaders, foreign diplomats and Islamic philosophers from different parts of the globe.
The conference was wrapped up with a call for reaching a message to everyone that throughout the history Islam was spread as a religion of peace and justice not with the help of sword or muscle power, but with love and affection for mankind.
