Spielberg’s fan letter made Dwayne Johnson ‘grin like a kid’

WWE wrestler turned actor Dwayne The Rock Johnson had a great fan moment when he received a personal note from celebrated filmmaker Steven Spielberg. The 43-year-old action star said he ‘grinned like a kid’ when he got the note from the Jurassic Park director, praising his work.
“It took me back to being just like a kid. I was so blown away,” the San Andreas star said, calling it the defining moment as an actor. In his note
to the WWE superstar, Spielberg, 68, wrote, “Been enjoying your movies over the years. Very entertaining. I feel like I’ve really gotten to know you over the years, most recently after watching you host Saturday Night Live. Great job. You continue to go for it. Proud of your work and look forward
to meeting you. Steven Spielberg.”