Spending on edn biggest investment: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said spending on education sector is the biggest investment to build the nation and attain the capability to have a place in this competitive world.
“I don’t think expenditure on the education sector as expenditure at all, I think this is investment, the biggest investment which will build the nation,” she said.
The Prime Minister was speaking at her office marking the distribution of Bangladesh University Grants Commission’s (UGC’s) gold medals among the winners of 2013 and 2014.
She said Bangladesh is now quite self-reliant economically and the government is spending the lion’s share of the resources on education. “With this, the merits and talents [of students] will flourish, and brilliant students will think about the development of the country.”
The Prime Minister said the world is moving very fast and getting more competitive every day. “We’ll also have to move fast to cope with the pace.” She also mentioned that new technologies are being invented every day and children will have to adapt to those accordingly.
Hasina said there is no scope to stay behind when the world is moving fast. “Keeping that view in mind, we’re establishing subject-wise specialised universities across the country,” she said.
The Prime Minister said there will be one medical university in each division. “The work to establish medical universities in Chittagong and Rajshahi is on…we’ve plan to set up medical university in each division.”
She put the highest importance to higher education and research activities to create skilled manpower, technical experts and scientists so that the country needs not to hire such experts from abroad.
Mentioning that Bangladesh is going to enter the nuclear power era soon and set to launch Bangabandhu satellite, the country’s first-ever geostationary communicationssatellite, by the end of this year, Hasina said her government does not want to depend on foreign experts for running those projects.
She said the government has plans not to hire any more foreign experts in the garment sector in the future as a specialised university has already been established to create such technical manpower.
Describing teachers as the nation’s conscience and architects of building human beings, the Prime Minister urged them to play their due role in improving the quality of education and creating the new generation in such a way so that they can lead the country in the competitive world.