Specter of war threatening world peace

North Korea has warned of preemptive strike against the South as the specter of war threatens the Korea peninsula.. Meanwhile, Talibans killed at least 140 Afghan soldiers on Friday in an ambush on the regime’s forces in northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. It is so far the deadliest attack on Afghan military only several days after the US used its ‘mother of all bombs’ to blow Taliban hideouts in the mountains. The attack and counter attack shows the US and its allies are fighting losing battles to fight terrors – be it in Syria or in mountainous Afghan terrains. The specter of war is now haunting the world but an unpredictable US President lacks clear military and diplomatic strategy as chaos is spreading all over.

It appears the US used the biggest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan only few days after it launched 59 missiles attack on a Syrian airbase to punish Bashar al-Assad for using chemical gas against civilian people killing over 100 people including children. The US Vice President Mike Pence visiting South Korea last week said the bomb attack in Afghanistan is also a message to North Korea if it does not stop testing nuclear weapons threatening the South. He also declared that the era of strategic patience is over and all options are on table including military action against North Korea in the event it continues nuclear tests.

But looking back to a singular strike on a Syrian target without strong follow up military actions in the ground to defeat killer President Assad shows President Trump has no clear vision to defeat him, except to fulfil his domestic agenda. And unless Assad can’t be removed, ISIS will continue to exist as by product of his tyrannical rule. So also if Afghanistan does not get a truly elected government; the US bombing on its people will only strengthen the Talibans although people neither want the US military nor the primitive role of Taliban in a country long waiting for far reaching socio-economic change.


Meanwhile, the presence of US nuclear war ships group in seawater closer to North Korea has sent the specter of war in the Korean peninsula and beyond. We are totally opposed to North Korea’s nuclear aggrandizement and also condemn it as it threatens world peace. But we are also opposed to provocations of the US military. Many believe that the deployment of high precession THAAD missile system by the USA in South Korea, as it now takes place is causing the latest unrest. North Korea has warned of pre-emptive attack on the South in the unfolding situation. It fears how East Germany disappeared from the map.

As it appears China is also opposed to such missile system in its backward and analysts believe if war breaks out the US may equally target military islands in South China Sea that Beijing recently developed ignoring US protest. Many fear that the Trump administration is spreading the specter of war from Syria to North Korea without clearly matching actions. This war games may prove fatal to the world if not properly handled by US establishments.  
