Special vaccination campaign at JU


JU correspondent :
The authorities of Jahangirnagar University reopened its residential halls on Monday after 18 long months of Covid-19 closure.
Students who received at least one coronavirus jab except the students of first year, started moving into their respective halls after the gates opened at around 8:00 am.
The students were welcomed with flowers, snacks, and masks while maintaining the Covid-19 health safety guidelines.
They were allowed inside the halls after they showed their vaccine certificates and ID cards.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sabrina Flora, Director of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research, inaugurated special vaccination booth at Wazed Miah Science Research Center premises at around the campaign will be continued till Thursday. Students who hadn’t a single dose of Covid-19 vaccine can only get vaccine here. Without registration, students took Covid jab just showing their NID card or Birth Registration Certificate.
Sources within the university said, many illegal students staying into the halls from yesterday night.
Regarding staying of illegal students, Professor Mujibur Rahman, Provost of Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hall said, We are trying not to allow any illegal students to move back in the dorms. Some students who are staying dorms were requested to vacate their seats. We are hopeful that they will abide by the rules.
Speaking to The New Nation, Professor Mujibur Rahman, Chief of Provost Committee, said, We are expected to allow all the students to move back in their respective halls soon. As the classes and exams of first year (49th batch) is being continued virtually, we are not allowing them to move back right now.
After completion of postgraduation exams of 44th batch, the students of 2nd-year (48th batch) will get their seat in the halls, he added.
Visiting several residential halls, it was seen that the JU Pro-VC (academic) Professor Nurul Alam along with JU Treasurer Professor Rasheda Akhtar were visiting the dorms to oversee the proceedings.
Earlier, on October 2, the highest policy making body, syndicate took the decision to reopen halls today.
On March 19 last year, the residential halls were shut down following a major outbreak of Covid-19 in Bangladesh.
