Special privileges for Dalits to ensure their rights emphasised


UNB, Dhaka :
Speakers at a roundtable discussion here on Monday underscored the need for giving the Dalit community special privileges to ensure their human rights and social status in the society.
ActionAid Bangladesh and Regional Antyaja Forum jointly organised the roundtable titled, ‘Universal periodic review, and human rights and social status of Dalit community: Bangladesh perspective’, at the Daily Star Bhaban in the city.
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Chairman Dr Mizanur Rahman, Prof Monirul Islam Khan, Chairman of the Social Sciences Department of Dhaka University; Pranab Gosh Bablu, Chairman of Tala upazila parishad in Satkhira; Tapashi Sarkar, Secretary of Regional Antayja Parishad; Poet Kazi Rozi, MP’ and Nirmal Chandra Das, Secretary General of Bangladesh Harijans Oikya Parishad, among others, spoke at the programme with ActionAid executive board member M Hafizuddin Khan in the chair.
Bablu, also a representative of Dalit community, lamented that they are so deprived in the society that even ensuring equal rights are not enough to bring back its members to the mainstream. “Dalit community members should be given priority on all fronts to cope with other members of the society.”
Describing various types of exploitation they are facing, Tapashi Sarkar, said their children are not allowed to sit by others at their schools. “We aren’t allowed to enter a hair salon. Even, others don’t touch glasses or plates used by us.”
She demanded ensuring education for Dalit community members. The NHRC Chairman urged the state to ensure equal human rights for all of its citizens as per the country’s constitution. He also urged the government to pass the proposed anti-discrimination law to protect this community from disparity.
Prof Monirul Islam Khan observed that the Dalit community needs occupational mobility in order to bring social mobility and economic solvency to change their status.
The Dalit community leaders put forward several demands at the programme. They include formulation of anti-discrimination law, establishing Dalit National Commission and taking special initiatives to establish the rights of the community, especially women and children.
