Seminar on militancy: Speakers stresses research team, create friendly police-public relationship

Staff Reporter :
Speakers at a seminar on Thursday suggested the government to form national research team, national support center, and IT and religious education cells for the purpose of refraining the students from the militancy activities.
They also urged the government to exercise strong political commitment against all forms of extremism, ban use of religion for political gain, reject communalism, to build national unity, to raise public awareness, to create a friendly police-public relationship and to include religious leaders in the campaign against religious extremism.
The speakers submitted the recommendations at a seminar titled “Recent Extremist Violence in Bangladesh: Response Options” organised by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) at its auditorium in the capital’s Eskaton.
Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali inaugurated the programme as the chief guest, while Chairman of Board of Governors of BIISS Ambassador Munshi Faiz Ahmad presided over the seminar.
Director General of BIISS Major General AKM Abdur Rahman delivered the welcome speech, while Executive Director of the Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies (ICLDS) Major General Abdur Rashid
 (Retd) presented the keynote paper at the programme.
Ambassador Muhammad Zamir presided over the 1st working session of the programme while Research Fellow of BIISS M Ashiqur Rahman displayed a presentation on “Changing trend of Global Terrorism: A Historical Perspective”, Chairman of International Relations of Jahangirnagar University Shahab Enam Khan presented a paper titled “Alleged Linkage with Global Terrorism: A Case Study of Bangladesh”, Maulana Fariduddin Masud on “Religious Explanation about Extremist Violence in Islam”, Psychiatrist of National Institute of Mental Health Dr Mekhala Sarkar on “Psycholigical Motivation of Youths Behind Extremist Violence.”
Brigadier General M Sakhawat Hussain (Retd) presided over the 2nd working session of the seminar while Chairman of Department of Criminology of Dhaka University Professor Ziaur Rahman presented the keynote paper. Treasurer of University of Asia Pacific Ishfaq Ilahi Choudhury, President of Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industries Syed Nasim Manzur and AIG of Bangladesh Police Md Moniruzzaman presented three papers on “Engaging Concerned Stakeholders in Effective Consultation to Raise Awarness and Building Community Resilience,” “Impact of Terrorist Violence on Business and Suggested Counter Measurers,” “Law Enforcers Perspective on Recent Trends in Extremist Violence in Bangladesh” respectively.
Political Adviser to the Prime Minister HT Imam was present the closing session of the seminar as the chief guest while Foreign Secretary Md Shahidul Haque presided over it. High Commissioners, Ambassadors, academia, researchers, high officials of Bangladesh Government, representatives from different countries took part in the seminar, among others.
Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali said, intelligence agencies have been working relentlessly to trace the ‘masterminds’ of the terror strikes in Bangladesh.
 “They are also verifying if the extremists are receiving any guidance from the international terrorist groups,” Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali said on Thursday at a seminar.
He said the government also focused on ‘long term’ measures to prevent radicalisation of the youth.
 “We are also working closely with our civil society, religious leaders, and private sector for advocacy against extremists,” he said, adding that a social movement against extremism had already been generated in Bangladesh. “People from all sections are coming together,” he said.
 “We have joined the Global Community Resilience and Engagement Fund (GCREF) as a founding member,” he said.
Executive Director of ICLDS Major General Abdur Rashid (Retd) said the nature and trend of those attacks were ‘often misinterpreted’. He said, they were ‘home-grown’ terrorists with ‘domestic political agenda’ and patronised by political parties.
Psychiatrist of National Institute of Mental Health Dr Mekhala Sarkar said, “Religious teaching in family and school should not be confined to some rituals rather focus should be given on teaching the core essence. The true meaning and philosophical view of Quran should be taught to every kid by learned person having proper knowledge.”
 “Enlightened Muslim scholar, Imam, religious leaders should come forward. Open debate, discourse could be arranged on media, in schools, and in community centres. Supervised and scrutinized religious cells could be formed at government level,” she said.