Speakers at roundtable PM’s directive for tobacco tax structure unrealized 6 years


Staff Reporter :
Prime Minister’s directive for tobacco tax structure remained unattended for six years resulting a huge revenue loss of the government, speakers at a city roundtable said.
The speakers said, Bangladesh has no specific policy regulation when it approaches to revenue generation from tobacco products.
In 2016, the Prime Minister gave a directive to simplify the existing tobacco tax structure.
However, the last six years have yielded no progress in the implementation of PM’s directive.
Speakers said it in a virtual roundtable meeting titled “PM’ Directive for Simplified and Strong Tobacco Tax Policy: Impediments and Way Forward”, jointly organized by the research and advocacy organization PROGGA (Knowledge for Progress) and Anti-Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA). Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids (CTFK) has supported the event on Tuesday.
Renowned economist and the convener of the National Anti-Tobacco Platform, Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad said, “The Prime Minister has given directives for a simple tobacco tax structure. It is the duty of the government machinery to execute it. However, those who are responsible for taking that lightly must be held accountable.”
Professor Dr. Habibe Millat, MP, said, “The members of the Parliament used to issue DOs against raising tobacco taxes in the past. But currently they are issuing DOs in favour of raising tobacco taxes. We look forward to seeing the NBR and the Ministry of Finance take positive actions this time.”
Dr. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, former Chairman of National Board of Revenue (NBR), said, “The ministries of Health and Finance need to be on the same page with regard to raising tobacco taxes. It will be much more fruitful if the MoHFW calls for meetings with the MoF to place this proposition on tobacco taxes.”
Hossain Ali Khondoker, Coordinator of National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) and Additional Secretary of Health Services Division of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW); prominent journalist Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul, Editor-in-Chief of TV Today; Dr. Mahfuz Kabir, Research Director of Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS); Syed Yusuf Saadat, Research Fellow of Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD); Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Lead Policy Advisor for Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK), Bangladesh; Muhammad Ruhul Quddus, former Coordinator (Additional Secretary) of NTCC; Prof. Dr. Sohel Reza Chowdhury, Head of Dept. of Epidemiologist and Research, National Heart Foundation of Bangladesh; Iqbal Masud, Director, Health and WASH sector, Dhaka Ahsania Mission also took part into the virtual roundtable.
Nadira Kiron, News Editor, ATN News and Co-convener of ATMA, hosted the event whereas Md. Hasan Shahriar, Head of Tobacco Control, PROGGA, presented the core arguments. ABM Zubair, Executive Director, PROGGA, Mortuza Haider Liton, Convener of ATMA and leaders of other anti-tobacco organizations and others were present.
