Speaker releases fish fries in Jatiya Sangsad lake


Parliament Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury on Monday expressed the hope that Bangladesh would be able to secure first position across the world in terms of fish production soon through fixing specific targets involving people to this end.
“Fish production in the country has been increasing day by day as people are coming forward to get them involved in fisheries since the profession is being considered as a profitable one,” she said.
The Speaker was speaking at a function organized by Fisheries and Livestock Ministry at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban premises following releasing of fish fries in Jatiya Sangsad Lake on the concluding day of Fisheries Week-2016.
Laying emphasis on further increasing fish production, she said that Bangladesh would be able to earn more foreign currency in near future by exporting fish in international markets after meeting domestic demands if the production is increased further.
Apart from this, she said the country’s economy would be stronger following fishing and collection of other marine resources from deep sea since the country has huge areas in the Bay of Bengal after the present government’s sincere efforts in this regard.
Deputy Speaker Md. Fazley Rabbi Mia, Fisheries and Livestock Minister Mohammad Sayedul Haque, State Minister for the Fisheries Ministry Narayan Chandra Chanda, Parliamentary Standing Committee Chairman on the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs A B Tajul Islam and Senior Secretary to Parliament Secretariat Dr Md Abdur Rab Howlader also spoke on the occasion.
Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Begum Rawshan Ershad, parliament whips and senior officials of parliament secretariat, among others, were present.
Later, the Speaker released fish fries in the Jatiya Sangsad lake.
