Speaker off to S’pore


Jatiya Sangsad Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury left here on Sunday for Singapore to join an international workshop titled “International Trade Affairs Workshop for Parliamentarians-2017”.
Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) is organising the event, with financial assistance of Temasek Foundation and World Trade Organisation (WTO), which has begun on Monday and will continue till May 17, said a release here.
Begum Wasika Ayesha Khan, MP, also left here as the entourage member of Dr Shirin Sharmin, also Chairperson of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), to join programme.
Senior Secretary of the Parliament Secretariat Dr M Abdur Rab Hawlader and other senior officials saw the speaker off at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.
Dr Shirin Sharmin is scheduled to return home on May 18, the release added.
