Launching of Bangabandhu-1: SpaceX to try again

UNB, Florida :
SpaceX, the US company handling the launch of Bangabandhu-1, country’s first geostationary communications satellite into orbit, has sought to assure Bangladeshi officials that the rocket will be launched around 4:14 pm (local time) on Friday.
This was after the original launch scheduled for Thursday was aborted by the rocket’s flight control system less than a minute before take-off due to “technical glitch”.
It may be noted that the glitch had nothing to do
 with the satellite, its only payload for the flight. Whatever went wrong was at SpaceX’s end, and they alone can rectify it.
Talking to our correspondent later Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Chairman Dr Shahjahan Mahmood, said “Every single things of the satellite is being operated by computer and there is no scope for manual operation. The process for launching the Bangabandhu-1 satellite has aborted due to technical glitch.”
The BTRC chairman came up with the information while talking to UNB at a hotel in Orlando.
“There is no problem in the satellite and rocket but there might be some problem at the ground system,” he also said, without any elaboration.
In answer to a question, Mahmood, said “It’s nothing new and there has been a precedent of a satellite launch succeeding at sixth attempt.” “I hope the Bangabandhu-1 satellite will be launched on Friday afternoon successfully,” he added.
The BTRC boss also dismissed the notion of financial losses caused by the incident, saying “SpaceX will carry the loss until its launch.”