Spacecraft carrying Russian humanoid robot docks at ISS


AFP, Moscow :
An unmanned spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot to be sent into orbit successfully docked at the International Space Station on Tuesday, following a failed attempt over the weekend.
“Contact confirmed, capture confirmed,” a commentator on NASA TV said.
The lifesize robot named Fedor – short for Final Experimental
Demonstration Object Research – copies human movements, a key skill that
allows it to help carry out tasks remotely.
It blasted off Thursday in a Soyuz MS-14 spacecraft from a Russian spaceport in southern Kazakhstan and is due to stay on the ISS until September 7, learning to assist astronauts in the space station.
An aborted docking on Saturday had increased uncertainty over the future of Russia’s space programme, which has suffered a number of recent setbacks.
NASA said Saturday the craft had been “unable to lock onto its target at the station,” and had “backed a safe distance away from the orbital complex while the Russian flight controllers assess the next steps”.
Russian flight controllers had told the ISS crew it appeared the problem that prevented automated docking was in the station and not the spacecraft, NASA added.
Soyuz ships are normally manned on such trips, but this time no humans were travelling in order to test a new emergency rescue system.
