‘Sorry’, says Dr Kamal


Jatiya Oikyafront chief Dr Kamal Hossain on Saturday ‘sincerely regretted’ his sharp reaction to a reporter following his question over the Front’s position on Jamaat-e-Islami.
Giving an explanation over the reason behind stopping the journalist from asking such a question at Martyred Intellectuals Memorial, he said, “I’m sorry sincerely, if my remarks hurt or embarrassed anyone in any way.”
Narrating the incident, Dr Kamal said, “After paying tributes to the martyrs of the December 14.
Standing on the altar of Memorial, I said we got the independence losing so many meritorious sons (of the soil). Suddenly, I was asked to say about Jamaat’s position in the Jatiya Oikyafront. Then, I humbly replied I don’t want to make any comment on Dr Kamal said he expressed the same views when he was asked the question for the second time.
“But when I heard the ‘Jamaat’, ‘Jamaat’ words for the third time from the crowds then I felt very bad, and I tried to stop the questioner.”
He also reminded that he was also involved throughout his life in the struggle for ensuring press freedom and establishing the rights of journalists.
On Friday morning, Dr Kamal along with Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) president ASM Abdur Rob, Gonoshasthya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, BNP chairperson’s adviser Abdus Salam, Gano Forum leaders Jaglul Haider Afrik and Reza Kibria paid homage to the martyred intellectuals at Mirpur Martyred Intellectuals Memorial.
Later, talking to reporters, he said they are working for establishing a good society which will be free from exploitation making the independence meaningful.
Dr Kamal, however, lost his temper at one point when a journalist asked him about their position about Jamaat, and said, “How much money have you got for asking such questions? Kamal also told the reporter to ‘shut up’ as he repeated the question.
