Sonam to act in the film adaptation of The Zoya Factor


Sonam Kapoor had reportedly signed on for the movie adaptation of Anuja Chauhan’s Battle For Bittora opposite Fawad Khan. But the film never materialised as relations between India and Pakistan soured. Now, the buzz is that she’s been signed on for another movie adaptation of Anuja Chauhan’s The Zoya Factor. It was said that Shah Rukh Khan had taken the rights of the film but now it has come to knowledge that Shetty Deora’s Walkwater Films has the rights.
The Zoya Factor is a story about an advertising professional who turns to be a lucky charm for the cricket team. She eventually falls for the captain of the team and helps him in motivating for the World Cup.
In an interview given to a leading lady sometimes ago, Sonam spoke glowingly of Anuja: “I love Anuja Chauhan’s work. She has written some fantastic books on young girls, contemporary books like The Zoya Factor and Battle of Bittora. Those are very cinematic books…”
The Zoya Factor adaptation will reportedly be produced by Sonam’s sister Rhea Kapoor and will allegedly be directed by Shashanka Ghosh.
