Son of tenant killed by house owner in Banaripara

Barisal Correspondent :
Three-year old son of tenant thrust to death by the house owner after failed to stop weeping of the child at T and T crossing area of Banaripara municipal town on early Friday.
The victim was identified as Hafizur Sheikh, son of Lovely Begum and rickshaw puller Ripon Sheikh.
Ziaul Ahsan, officer in charge of Banaripara police station, said dead body of the victim handed over to family members after autopsy at Barisal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital on Friday afternoon.
Ripon Sheikh, father of the victim, lodged a murder case on Friday afternoon against Nupur Begum, owner of the house and Badhu Saaj Beauty Parlor of the town, accusing her for killing Hafizur.
The accused fled from area and police trying to nab her, the OC of Banaripara PS told.
In the case it was stated that Nupur thrust Hafizur after failed to stop him from weeping and Hafizur severely injured by that hit on Thursday evening.

Hafizur was rushed to upazila health complex and from there to Barisal SBMCH.


Attending doctors of SBMCH referred the patient to Dhaka DMCH as his condition was critical.

However the family members due to financial inability failing to bring Hafizur to Dhaka returned home.
