Opinion: Solution to Facebook ‘monopoly’!


Steven Heise :
Lots of people do not like Facebook because of privacy concerns or because they think it is a social media monopoly. But there are currently no alternatives out there. The short answer regarding the fix is this: Congress would pass a law stating that everyone owns their own Facebook name and information, and Facebook (or any other new company) has to provide a network connection to allow other companies to import/export that information into the platform of your choice. So just like when you install Firefox and it asks if you want to import Internet Explorer “favorites” and such, if you join a new social network, it will ask you what your Facebook name is and then it will go to Facebook and import everything from Facebook to the new network. And when you post anything, your information will be seen by your friends on Facebook or any other social network, and visa versa. There is no need to break up Facebook. Just make one’s name and information his or hers to take anywhere, and force Facebook to network with any other social media company. There could be a charge from Facebook to the other company for providing the connection but the government should only allow a minimal fee.
This would stop the social media monopoly that Facebook currently has without breaking up the company or forcing it to sell off assets.
Courtesy: The Washington Times.
