Solution through UNSC is the best and must work


THE UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria on the eve of the New Year to facilitate peace talks among the warring parties in January to end the civil war has come so late but it shows the light that may lead to end the war. The resolution basically agreed on three points such as ceasefire, formation of a transitional government in six months and an election over the next 18 months. It appears to have been prompted to create a new political and military situation in the region minimizing the US and Russian differences to unite all forces to fight the growing ISIS menace. The draft has spelled out the hope as the US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the political work to end the war and restore peace has to be implemented by ‘the men and women of Syria’ and cannot be opposed from the outside. It is one of the strongest appeals for peace by the council, divided for years on the issue of Syria’s war, since Russia and China began vetoing a series of Western-drafted resolutions on the conflict in October 2011.It was right to think that Syrian people must be given a voice to end the crisis in Syria. But it would not be possible without cooperation of big players including Saudi Arabia and Iran. Russia has now intervened directly to keep a despotic ruler like Bashar al-Assad, who has already destroyed his entire country, in power when his forces were disintegrating in the battlefield. The UNSC resolution has sent a clear message to all concerned that the time is now to stop the killing in Syria and lay the groundwork for a government that the long-suffering people of that battered land can support.We welcome the peace move that will restore Syria to the Syrian people and stop their miseries when over one million refugees are seeking shelter in Europe and similar number is living in tents in neighbouring countries. Meanwhile over 300,000 were killed and their homes destroyed. . After the unparallel human tragedy caused by President Assad, the world powers took at least five years to realize that the ruthless civil war in Syrian must end but have again failed to agree to ensure immediate departure of Bashar al-Assad from power. To many, the 15-nation resolution appears itself to be a challenge as to whether or not the big powers would allow the Syrian people to sort out the future of their nation. Particularly Russia and Iran are critical to US and Western strategic interest in the region and Saudi interest to protect the Sunni population is yet another stumbling issue that needs to be sorted out to find peace. The obstacles to ending the nearly five-year civil war remain daunting, with no side in the conflict able to secure a clear military victory. Despite their agreement, the major powers are bitterly divided on who may represent the opposition as well as on the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. We will expect the Muslim countries to act together to save Syrian people as a Muslims country. It is not enough to doubt big powers. The Syrian tragedy is more of a crisis created over domination between Shiite and Sunni within and outside Syria. Russia has intervened taking advantage of disunity among the Muslims. The Muslim countries should realise how much danger the disunity among them is befalling upon them. How humiliating and helpless they look to the world. 
