Solar panel to be installed in 86 institutions in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
Solar panel is going to be installed in 86 educational institutions in Rajshahi metropolis aiming at reducing the gradually rising pressure on electricity.
During the current 2014-15 financial year, the scheme will be implemented under the rural infrastructure maintenance programme on priority basis.
According to the official sources, 42 school and colleges, three night-schools, eight public libraries, four police stations, six graveyards, one crematory place and 23 mosques will get the facilities in preliminary phase.
Already, two contractor farms were given the work orders for installing the panels. The farmers have started the installing works in the listed institutions. Each of the solar panels will supply at least four-hour electricity.
Some of the major institutions are: Rajshahi College, New Govt. Degree College, Women’s College, Govt. City College, PN Girls High School, Komela Haque Degree College, Model School and College and Nawdapara Pilot High School.
Fazley Hossain Badsha, MP, said the educational institutions face trouble and suffer a lot due to load shedding. To remove the problem, the initiative has been taken. In phases, more other institutions will be brought under the scheme.
“I believe the city’s total power crisis can be met through cost effective solar-based power generation,” he said.
He said proper policy support and guidance can help the country to explore newer renewable energy opportunities to meet the growing power demand of the country.
The government has taken various progrrames to reduce the pressure on national grid including irrigation sector which consume over 1200 megawatt electricity during peak irrigation period, said the lawmaker.
He says establishing mini grid solar panel and solar park at suitable off grid location can improve the rate of immediate supply of electricity which can easily be marketed through SME or PPP.