Socio-economic Impact Of Zakat


Monirul Haque Rony :
Zakat is the basis of Islamic economics. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. The two prime meanings of Zakat are – sanctification and augmentation. When zakat is paid, the rights of the poor are realized from the wealth of the people. As a result, it is halal and holy. Zakat also eliminates class inequality, reduces the poverty rate in the society and increases the number of affluent people. In that sense, zakat means to increase.
The Holy Qur’an mentions prayers in 82 places and zakat in 32 places. And in 27 places prayers and zakat have been mentioned together. It also warns of the consequences if the able-bodied person does not pay Zakat. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah says, “And those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah, announce to them the glad tidings of a painful torment. The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, [it will be said], this is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard” (At-Taubah: 34-35).
The system of zakat has been introduced in Islam mainly to form an egalitarian society. In order to ensure that wealth does not remain in the hands of the rich in the society and so that an economically non-discriminatory society is established, the order has been issued to pay Zakat. Because if wealth accumulates in the hands of a handful of people in the society, then the number of poor people will increase, social and economic inequality and instability will increase. As a result, an imbalance will be created in the society. Zakat is a right that the poor deserve from the rich. In Surah Az-Zariyah, Allah says, “The poor and the deprived have a right to their wealth” (Ayat 19). Zakat is the first social security system in the world. It has been provided to make the helpless, poor, oppressed and backward people of the society self-reliant by freeing them from poverty and economic misery. Therefore, Zakat is the key to the economic safeguard of the poor.
Zakat should not be distributed among thousands of people in small amounts, but should be distributed to a handful of people who are eligible to receive Zakat from the giver’s own area or the surrounding area. Then it will be fruitful and effective. The main purpose of Zakat should be to permanently eliminate the wants of recipients and make them self-reliant. For example, Rickshaws or sewing machines can be bought with the money of Zakat for some recipients who are interested to take it. Some people can be given tea shops or like this. Those who want to start a small business can be provided with the desired small business. In other words, if the self-employment of the recipient can be arranged with the money of Zakat, then the poverty of the society will be eradicated and sustainable development will be accelerated. It will be seen that at one time not a single person could be found in the society to collect Zakat.
But nowadays in the name of paying zakat, a huge demonstration is going on. The culture of giving sari, lungi or clothes by the rich people in the name of zakat by gathering hundreds and thousands of people is not acceptable in Islam. In Islam there is no such thing as ‘zakat sari’, ‘zakat lungi’ or ‘zakat cloth’. These are nothing but show off and promote themselves in the media of rich people in the present society. The main purpose of Zakat in Islam is misunderstood. It is to be remembered that Zakat is not a custom; it is a sign of faith of a believer.
Allah says in the Qur’an, “Then if they repent, establish the prayer and pay the zakat, then they will be your brothers according to the religion” (Surah at-Taubah: 11). There is also no question of denying Zakat. Allah has called the one who denies Zakat a disbeliever and a polytheist. He says, “And woe to the polytheists who do not pay Zakat and who do not believe in the Hereafter” (Surah Ha-Mim Sajdah: 7-8). Zakat purifies the mind of the servant of Allah and teaches him to give up the lure of wealth; helps to be a loyal and beloved servant of Allah. Therefore, if Zakat is given in a specific way according to the rules of Islam and not just in an unscientific and un- Islamic way to show people, then the purpose of Zakat will be successful and it will help in establishing a society of peace, equality and justice without any discrimination.

(The writer is a Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Savar
Government College).
