Social recognition to technically educated persons underscored


Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Friday stressed the need for participation of students in technical education and giving social recognition to technically educated persons as it can open a new prospect for new generation.
“Technical and vocational education can open up a new horizon for the new generation and can contribute to our economy,” he said.
He was speaking as the chief guest at the job fair inaugural programme at Dhaka Mohila Polytechnic Institute at Agargaon with the support of Skills and Training Enhancement Project.
Additional secretary of the Ministry of Education AS Mahmud, Director General of the Department of Technical Education Ashok Kumar Biswas presided over the programme.
The minister said, “I hope the students’ enrollment in technical education would be upgraded to 20 percent within 2020 as technical knowledge will help the young generation build themselves as skilled manpower.”
“Currently, 13.11 percent students are taking technical education which was only 1.2 percent in 2008,” he added.
The proprietors and the representatives of renowned industries were present at the fair and offered jobs to students of Diploma-in-Engineering through spot interviews.
