Social protection for marginal workers stressed


BSS, Dhaka :
A two day-long meeting on social protection for marginal workers was held in the city’s BRAC Inn aimed at understanding the marginalised workers in the region.
Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Foundation (OSHE), the Hong-Kong based Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC), and the South Asian partners of the Asian Roundtable on Social Protection (AROSP) organised the meeting.
The programme was held with participation of 41 representatives from 30 grassroots workers’ organisations from host Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The meeting aimed to formulate common social protection demands so that South Asian marginalised workers can jointly campaign at the sub-regional level, according to a release on Monday.
AROSP said the deepening inequality and the swelling informal economy in South Asia are very alarming.
