Social movement must to resist corruption

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a discussion here mentioned that wide participation of community people including the youths in the service sector could curb corruption.
They underlined the need for enhancing empowerment of the community people so that they could raise voice against any sorts of corruption and monopoly. They were addressing a prize-giving ceremony of an anti-corruption debate competition titled “Corruption is the main obstacle towards Bangladesh’s Improvement” held at Rajshahi College auditorium yesterday. Rajshahi College authority organized the competition in association with Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC), an inspired organization of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), in order to create awareness among students on how to free society from corruption. Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Rajshahi University Prof Dr Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan and Principal of the college Prof Habibur Rahman addressed the discussion as chief and special guests respectively with Prof Abdus Salam, President of CCC, in the chair.
Vice-principal of the college Prof Al Faruque Chowdhury, Associate Prof Dr Abdul Malek Sarker and Assistant Prof Dr Samyasathi Bhowmik, CCC Vice-president Akbarul Hassan Millat and its Member Munira Rahman Mithi also spoke. Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan said the present government particularly its Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is very much positive against corruption and emphasized the need for a concerted effort of all quarters to supplement the government efforts.
In this context, he also called for forging a social movement against the malpractice stressing the need for a concerted effort to make the country free from corruption.
He and viewed that people’s participation is a must for creating awareness side by side with the government efforts to uproot the corrupt practice. Prof Chowdhury observed corruption undermine economic development, increase poverty, exploitation and injustice, prevent good governance, accountability and transparency and create social and political instability and insecurity. So, there is no alternative to free the society from the curse.