SOCIAL DISTANCING GOES FOR A TOSS: Banks have witnessed a huge influx of clients across their branches despite nationwide shutdown enforced to contain the spread of coronavirus.There are customers coming to the branches and standing in line without maintaining the requisite distance, which is necessary to contain the spread of Coronavirus. This photo was taken from Agrabad Branch of Dutch-Bangla Bank in Chattogram shows customers rush in a long queue of outside the branch and they stand close to each other instead of following social distancing guidelines.

SOCIAL DISTANCING GOES FOR A TOSS: Banks have witnessed a huge influx of clients across their branches despite nationwide shutdown enforced to contain the spread of coronavirus.There are customers coming to the branches and standing in line without maint
SOCIAL DISTANCING GOES FOR A TOSS: Banks have witnessed a huge influx of clients across their branches despite nationwide shutdown enforced to contain the spread of coronavirus.There are customers coming to the branches and standing in line without maint