Social Business Day today

Staff Reporter :
The fifth annual Social Business Day will be observed at Hotel Radisson in Dhaka today (Saturday), with the theme of “We are not job-seekers, we are job-givers-turning unemployment into entrepreneurship”.
Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus will host this year’s event which will focus on tackling youth unemployment through social business.
Kerry Kennedy, President of the Robert F Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights, will deliver the keynote speech at the opening session of the programme.
The gathering is an opportunity to meet, discuss and collaborate with the global social business community with the pur
pose of developing effective solutions to society’s most pressing problems, according to a statement of Yunus Centre.
More than 1,000 participants, including 275 from 31 countries, will attend the programme organised on the occasion of ‘Social Business Day’.
Andrea Jung, President and CEO of Grameen America, two delegations comprising 46 members from China, a 43-member delegation led by Danone Communities from France, a 15-member team led by Grameen Credit Agricole, a 30-member delegation from Taiwan, high-level representatives from NABARD, Tata Steel, Bajaj group from India will attend the event.
A social business design lab session will be held during the event where social businesses from five countries will be presented. There will be a Social Business Marketplace showcasing social businesses from around the world.
A highlight of the day will be special circus performance by Phare Social Business Circus from Cambodia which trains street children to become modern circus artists.
On July 2, additional events will be organised, including Social Business Academia event by Dhaka International University, Social Business and Youth by Eastern University and Social Business Youth Summit by Social Business Youth Network. Professor Yunus will deliver the keynote of these events, said the statement.