Social Business Day-2015 Reduce rich-poor disparity

Staff Reporter :
Nobel Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus on Thursday underscored the need for creating more and more new entrepreneurs through equal distribution of wealth. “For this, social business concept should be spread all over the world to reduce economic disparity between the rich and poor.”
He was addressing the inaugural session of the ‘6th Social Business Day-2015’ at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the city, organised by Yunus Centre.
 “Proper implementation of the three zero theories can make a secure planet. If we want to make the world safe, we have to implement these theories. They are zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero net carbon emission,” said Prof. Yunus.
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) must set the goals to eradicate poverty, minimize gender equality and women empowerment to achieve the target of millennium development (MDG) goal, he said.
About 85 individuals are capturing 50 per cent of the world wealth, and the rest 50 per cent are the assets of common people, he observed.
Prof. Yunus is the architect of micro-credit and social business, the founder of Grameen Bank and 50 other companies in Bangladesh.
About unemployment, he said, to encourage the youths to seek jobs is a traditional concept. They should rather be encouraged to self-employment. “We should redesign our thinking regarding job, it is an artificial crisis, so we have to turn our attention towards the social business.”
Per year 80 million people are added in the world population. So is it possible to ensure them food, health and life, mentioned Prof Yunus. Conventional business trend are not thinking about the matter of economic disparity, they only thinks about their profit making, he claimed.
Prof. Yunus opined that use of sprit, proper technology, social business and good governance are four mega powers to change the world.
About 1,350 participants and more than 250 international guests from 30 countries took part the occasion.
The event featured a series of plenary sessions and interactive workshops that are tailored to offer expert knowledge about specific aspects of social business as a way of tackling society’s most pressing problems.
US Ambassador in Dhaka Maercia Stephenes Bloom Bernicat, participating in the discussion, said the concept of social business has tremendously changed the underprivileged people of the rural areas.
 “The idea of Dr Yunus is transforming business school in USA to focus more on social progress. The concept of social business has already introduced in eleven states of USA and got much popularity,” she said.
UK High Commissioner W Gibson opined that social business can ensure a better future for the next generation.
Senior Consultant of Malaysian government Tan Sri Sharifah Hafsah suggested for ensuring training courses regarding social business.
Ambassador of France Sophie Albert and Executive Director of Yunus Centre Lamiya Morshed also spoke the occasion.
In a video conference, former US President Bill Clinton appreciated Dr Yunus for his continuous endeavor to promote social business concept across the world in which the every nation can be benefited.
Twelve sessions of panel discussion were organised on the occasion. The aim of the panel discussion was to discuss ways of developing of social business.