So-called labour leaders out to destroy industries: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday criticised so-called labour leaders for their repeated attempts to destroy the country’s industrial sector through complaining to foreigners.
“There’re some labour leaders…I don’t know which industry they belong to but they call them labour leaders. There’s a vested quarter and their job is to just send messages abroad against Bangladesh,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a discussion at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre marking the May Day.
Questioning the gains of these labour leaders for working against the country’s interest, Sheikh Hasina said, “Do they work on hire? Are they doing this for some foreign agencies? This is my doubt. Or else, why will they search for masters in foreign countries without trying to resolve the matters locally?”
She said, these ‘foreign people’ will just provoke workers on local matters. “And if this provocation results in the shutdown of the industry, what the workers will get from this.” she said.
Posing a further question, she said, “Will the labour leaders give the workers food, assistance and treatment if they lose their job being provoked? Surely, they won’t. I don’t understand where their interest lies then.”
The Prime Minister said those always go to complain on every matter to their foreign masters are just damaging the interests of the workers, people, owners and overall the industries.
She urged the mill, factory and industry owners to properly look after the wellbeing of their workers. “And I’ll call upon the workers to take care of the mills, factories and industries that are sources of your livelihood. This is your duty,” she said.