
1) Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina pays the homage by placing wreaths at the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion at Dhanmondi-32 No Bangabandhu Bhaban in the capital at 7am.on Sunday. Younger daughter of Bangabandhu, Sheikh Rehana, joined with the Prime Minister. -PID photo 2) Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury pays tribute at the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at Dhanmondi-32 No Bangabandhu Bhaban in the capital on Sunday. 3) Foreign Minister Dr A.K. Abdul Momen speaks at a function as the chief guest titled ‘The historic 7th March Speech & The developmental Journey of Bangladesh’ at Foreign Service Academy in the capital on Sunday. 4) Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud speaks at a seminar as the chief guest titled ‘Bangabandhur 7 Marcher Bhason: Bangalir Muktir Sorok’ at the Jatiya Press Club on Sunday. -NN photo 5) Health Minister Zahid Maleque inaugurates the cover unwrapping of a book related to the speech of the historic March 7 at the Family Planning Directorate in the capital on Sunday. 6) Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque hands over the key of ‘Bharmmoman Jadughor Bus’ after the inauguration at Shikha Chironton of Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital on Sunday. 7) Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Professor Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman presides over a discussion meeting titled ‘Oitihasik 7 Marcher Bhasoner Gurutto O Tatporjo’ at DU auditorium in the capital on Sunday. 8) Mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh pays tribute at the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmondi-32 No Bangabandhu Bhaban in the capital on Sunday. 9) President of Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League Abu Ahmed Monnafi, Addi Dep Police Commissioner Kamrul Islam and Wari Thana OC MA Aziz inaugurate Thana Level Programme marking in front of Wari Thana in the capital on Sunday. 10) Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Benazir Ahmed cuts a cake marking the historic March 7 and the graduation of Bangladesh to a developing country from LDC by UN at Razarbagh Police auditorium in the capital on Sunday. 11) Bangladesh Chhatra League Central Committee pays tribute at the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman marking the historic March 7 at Dhanmondi-32 No Bangabandhu Bhaban in the capital on Sunday. 12) BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir speaks at a discussion meeting at the Jatiya Press Club on Sunday.
