SME Foundation to set up 2 business incubation centers in Dhaka, Ctg


Economic Reporter :
To create new entrepreneurs and increase employment, the SME Foundation will set up two business incubation centers in Dhaka and Chattogram. The National Strategy for the operation and management of the Business Incubation Center is in its final stages. The announcement was made at a workshop on Saturday.
State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder MP was the chief guest at the inaugural event of the workshop. SME Foundation Managing Director Mofizur Rahman presided over the event, said a press release issued by SME Foundation.
State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder MP said, “We absolutely must expand the contribution of cottage, small and medium sectors in order to strengthen the economy”.
“The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is therefore implementing Business Incubation Centers in Dhaka and Chattogram to ensure all kinds of support for new entrepreneurs,” the state minister added.
SME Foundation Chairperson Prof. Masudur Rahman said, “The SME Foundation will provide all kinds of assistance to entrepreneurs in the implementation of the SME Policy 2019”.
The foundation is also working as a center of excellence for the development of the SME sector in Bangladesh, he added.
Hulia Tetik, Asian Development Bank Consultant and International Incubation Center Specialist, briefing the workshop on the National Strategy for Business Incubation Center Management and Management said, the National Strategy Paper calls for the formation of a National Coordinating Committee under the leadership of the SME Foundation, consisting of the Finance Ministry, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technology, BSIC, National Association of Small Cottage Industries of Bangladesh (Nascib), Export Development Bureau, BITAC and representatives of various universities.
She also added that the committee will serve as a national platform to make the Business Incubation Center effective in developing entrepreneurs and increasing employment.
