Small fishes effective for mother, kids

BSS, Rangpur :
Malnutrition of the pregnant women, lactating mothers and children belonging to the poorer families in rural Bangladesh still remains as a major cause of permanent blindness, maternal, neonatal and infant deaths.
According to experts, intake of the micronutrient-enriched small fishes like “Mola”, “Darkina”, and “Dhela” can meet nutritional demand of malnourished children, pregnant and lactating women very effectively to help overcome these severe problems.
Former Rangpur Divisional Director (Health) Dr Shahadat Hossain said nutritional deficiency of the pregnant women, lactating mothers, babies and children must be overcome through ensuring intake of micronutrient- rich small fishes and vegetables.
“Normal growth of brain, different organs and flourishing talent of the children generally face setbacks as a result of malnutrition of the pregnant women, lactating mothers and children leading to severe diseases or even deaths,” he said.
Noted physician Dr Mofizul Islam said nutritional deficiency of pregnant women and lactating mothers, babies and children among the poorer section people in rural areas is still a problem in building a healthier nation.
Gynecology Specialists and Surgeons of Rangpur Medical College and Hospital (RMCH) Dr Yeasmina and Dr Kamrun Nahar said meeting nutritional demand of pregnant women, lactating mothers and children is a perquisite for healthier nation.
Generally, malnutrition cases are being noticed among the pregnant women and lactating mothers who come from rural areas because of poor knowledge on nutritional foodstuffs, though most of those are available around them.
“Optimum intake of micronutrient-rich small fishes and vegetables can meet nutritional demands of pregnant women to ensure safe pregnancy for giving birth to healthier babies and increase milk of the lactating mothers for babies,” they said.
They also narrated the diseases and consequences being caused following malnutrition of the pregnant women and lactating mothers, children and babies and the possible way-outs through disseminating nutrition education to households.
According to child disease Specialist Dr Shariful Islam, regular intake of micronutrient-rich fishes, even in small quantities, strengthens immune systems of the babies and children helping their normal growth.
“The smaller “Mola”, “Darkina”, and “Dhela” fishes have adequate important minerals and vitamins like iron and folic acid those help healthier growth of brain, immune systems and flourishing talent of the children,” Dr Shariful added.
For lack of knowledge, common people do not include smaller fishes on food menu though deficit of these micronutrient elements, minerals and vitamins could severely hinder normal growth of the children, he mentioned.