Slum and floating population census begins in Rajshahi


BSS, Rajshahi :
Census of slums and counting of floating people began here Friday to assess the number of slums, households in the slums and overall slum population in the metropolis.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) will conduct the Slum Census 2014 in the city like other parts of the country from today to May 2.
Mayor of Rajshahi Mosaddique Hossain Bulbul inaugurated the programme in a function held at Hadirmor area today as the chief guest. City Corporation Ward Councilor Tariqul Islam Paltu, BBS Joint Director Ashraful Alam Siddiqui and other officials concerned also spoke on the occasion.
Mayor Bulbul said that a reliable statistical base is very important for undertaking any development plan. He urged all concerned to discharge their duties with utmost sincerity and honesty for successful holding of the census.
BBS Joint Director Ashraf Siddiqui said the major objectives of the Slum Census 2014 are also to number the total population of the slums in respect of their age and gender; determining the socio-economic conditions of the slum dwellers as well as their demographic characteristics.
Besides, identifying the basic and major reasons of their living in slums; determining how many people come to the slums from which district; collecting data on landlessness of the slum dwellers; collecting other related information about the accommodation of the slum dwellers alongside collecting education, profession and environment related information of the slum dwellers will also be enumerated.
Among the special features of the Slum Census, digitized GIS map will be used while computer-based database will be built after determining the overall number of slum population in respect of the number of slums, households, age and gender. The database of the slum dwellers will also be archived.
