Slovakia’s presidential election goes to second round


BBC Online :
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico and independent challenger Andrej Kiska will go forward to the second round of the country’s presidential elections.
In Saturday’s first round, Fico polled 28.2% with Kiska on 24% on a turnout of 43.4%.
Independent conservative Radoslav Prochazka was third with 20.8%. As no candidate gained 50% of the votes, a second round run-off will be held in two weeks’ time for the mainly ceremonial post.
Fico’s left-wing Smer party won the parliamentary election in 2012. The 49-year-old had previously served as prime minister from 2006-10, pursuing an anti-austerity agenda.
Since the 2012 elections his party has governed alone – the first time since independence that a party secured an absolute majority in the Slovak parliament.
Slovakia’s president has the power to appoint the prime minister, as well as the main figures in the judiciary.
However, parliament exercises legislative power.
The BBC’s Rob Cameron, in Prague, says that Fico’s bid for the presidency is seen as an attempt to make his domination of Slovak politics total.
Outgoing President Ivan Gasparovic was elected for the first of two five-year terms in 2004 as voters united against former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar.
