Skilled workforce stressed for enhancing remittance

Rangpur Correspondent :
The present government has put importance on popularising technical and vocational education and training programmes among the youths to turn them into skilled workforce for increasing productivity and foreign remittance.
Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment Narayan Chandra Barma said this while addressing a function held at conference room of Rangpur Technical Training Centre (RTTC) on Saturday afternoon as the chief guest.
The RTTC authority arranged the function for distribution of certificates to 42 outgoing overseas workers on their successful completion of a three-day pre-departure training course held at the same venue.
Principal of RTTC Engineer Md Lutfar Rahman presided over the function also participated by teachers, instructors, trainers and officials of the institution.
The chief guest distributed certificates to 42 outgoing overseas skilled workers, including hotel boys, electricians, cleaners, gardeners and farm-workers, who have already been recruited by different overseas employment recruiting agencies. The recruited workers will soon depart for joining their job places in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iraq, Brunei, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain.
The chief guest called upon the outgoing overseas workers to properly utilise knowledge and skills they gathered during their technical and vocational training courses on various trades at different technical training centres of the country.
He suggested them to sincerely follow the law, rules and regulations and terms and conditions of their jobs while working aboard to uphold reputation, pride and dignity of Bangladesh.
He advised them to work only under the employing organisation abroad and not to change employer to earn more salary as it would become a violation of the law leading to make them illegal immigrants.