Skill dev training needed to stop child marriage in Kurigram


Senior Staff Reporter, Rangpur :
Youth should be involved in stopping child marriage. Girls’ aspirations should be developed through skill development activities so that they can be vocal about their issues.
Mohammad Rezaul Karim, DC of the Kurigram shared these remarks on Monday at Shopnokuri Auditorium at the DC’s Office during the district level inception meeting of the Child Not Bride (CNB) Project of the international development organization Plan International Bangladesh.
The DC graced the event as chief guest while Mayor of Kurigram Municipality Kaziul Islam presided over the meeting. Deputy Director of Local Government Minhajul Islam and Raju Mostafiz President of Kurigram Press club were present the event as special guests. 9 Upazila Nirbahi Officers and 9 Chairmen from 9 Upazila Parishads participated in the meeting virtually.
Ashik Billah, Head of Central and Northern Region Programmes of Plan International Bangladesh, Abdus Samad, Head of Development Programmes of RDRS Bangladesh and Shyamal Chandra Sarkar, Deputy Director of Mahidev Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS) were present at the event.
The Deputy Commissioner said, “We should encourage students specially girls to receive life skills training. This should be start from secondary school and madrasha. Teacher should be come to create awareness on this training.”
Ashik Billah delivered the welcome speech at the beginning of the meeting. He shared that the 4-year long CNB project will be implemented in 9 upazilas, 73 union parishads and 3 municipalities of Kurigram district with funding from NRK Telethon and with technical support of Plan International Bangladesh. RDRS Bangladesh and MJSKS will be implementing partners of the project, which will be completed by December 2025. The main objective of the project is to end child and forced marriage in Kurigram district.
Md. Nazrul Islam Chowdhury, project manager of CNB project from MJSKS and Abdullah Al Mamun, Project Coordinator, CNB Project from RDRS jointly presented the keynote article of the event. They shared the main activities undertaken under the CNB project.
