Sk Kamal was farsighted sports organizer : Haroon-ur-Rashid

BSS, Dhaka :
Sheikh Kamal would have been happier than anybody else seeing Abahani Club flag fluttering high now as he had envisage while founding the Club back in 1972,
Abahani director Haroon-ur-Rashid said this while talking to BSS on the eve of 42nd death anniversary Sheikh Kamal.
Rashid said “He was very a farsighted sports organizer and had he been alive, I am sure Bangladesh sports would have progressed by leaps and bound.”
He said Kamal’s visionary approach would have benefited sports and culture immensely, said former Member of Parliament Haroon.
Haroon said Abahani Limited will observe the saddest day in Bangladesh history and the 41st death anniversary of the club’s founder and architect of modern football Sheikh Kamal in a befitting manner.
The living football legend Kazi Salahuddin taking to BSS on the eve said, “I was in Malaysia with the national football team taking part in Merdeka Cup Football tournament. ” When we heard the news of atrocious killing Sheikh Kamal and his family, all of us broke down in tears and it was unimaginable to think Sheikh Kamal is no more. He was the heart and soul of Abahani and his dreams are the reason why Abahani is one of the leading Clubs of Bangladesh.”
Sheikh Kamal, son of Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was murdered on August 15, 1975 when a band of errant and misled military officers had brutally massacred Bangabandhu, the architect of independent Bangladesh along with his family, close relatives and personal staff.
To mark this greatest tragedy in Bangladesh history, Abahani Limited’s directors, officials, former national players and members of the Abahani Samorthak Ghosthhi will be offering wreaths before his portrait on the enshrined on the Abahani tent front in Dhanmondi early Monday at 12.01 am.
The day’s programme included food distribution (Kangali Bhoj) among the poor,visit to Bangabandhu’s 32 Dhanmondi’s house, holding a milad mahfil, day-long Quran recital at the club tent and offering prayers for the salvation of the departed souls at his grave in Banani graveyard.
“When we talk about Abahani Club and modern football, Kamal Bhai’s name comes in front of our eyes as he was a passionate sports lover and a visionary in promoting modern football and others sports in Bangladesh”, Abahani’s director Kazi Nabil Ahmed MP told BSS.
He said a discussion on Sheikh Kamal and its family will also be held at the club premise after Asr prayer. Kamal’s beloved popular club had lifted the football, cricket and hockey trophies home also in 1974 and 1984, he added.
The Abahani club already has a glorious space in the country’s sports history. Since being founded 43 years ago by Sheikh Kamal, the eldest son of Father Of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Abahani club has so far won 17 football titles, 17 cricket silverwares, and 16 hockey trophies.