Size of cabinet to be smaller ahead of election: Quader

BSS, Dhaka :
Road Transport and Bridges Minister and Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Sunday said size of election time government will be smaller ahead of the upcoming parliamentary polls.
“After 15 to 20 days, election schedule will be announced. So, the size of cabinet will be smaller within few days,” he told a roundtable titled “Effective traffic management: key factor of development” at the Daffodil International University (DIU) in the city.
Election campaign will start through announcement of election schedule, he said adding, official
activities of the government will be changed soon. “The Prime Minister will decide the size of the cabinet. Incumbent government will remain in power,” Quader added.
He said, “The newly-formed cabinet will perform routine works. We will not take any major decision during election time government.”
Rejecting demand of BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir about division of Election Commission (EC), AL General Secretary said the EC has been constituted with Chief Election Commissioner and other four election commissioners.
Differences of opinions among the election commissioners are beauty of democracy, he said election commission will not be divided, if one commissioner expresses different opinions.