Six-term senator John McCain dies at 81

BBC Online :
Tributes from former US presidents and across the political spectrum have poured in for Republican Senator John McCain, who has died aged 81.
Barack Obama, who beat Mr McCain to the White House in 2008, said they shared a “fidelity to something higher”. George W Bush described him as “a patriot of the highest order”.
President Donald Trump, whom Mr McCain had strongly criticised, tweeted his “deepest sympathies” to Mr McCain’s family but did not comment on his life.
Sources quoted by US media said Mr Trump would not be invited to the funeral and the current administration would probably be represented by Vice President Mike Pence.
Former Presidents Obama and George W Bush are expected to give eulogies.
Mr McCain was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in July last year and had been undergoing treatment. But on Friday his family announced he had decided to discontinue that treatment.
A statement from his office on Saturday said Mr McCain died in Arizona surrounded by family members.
His family said he would lie in state in Phoenix, Arizona, and in Washington DC before a funeral at the Washington National Cathedral and his burial in Annapolis, Maryland.
“He was a public servant in the finest traditions of our country. And to me, he was a friend whom I’ll deeply miss,” Mr Bush said.
Mr Obama said that despite being his Democratic rival, they shared the ideals “for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched and sacrificed”.
Sarah Palin, who was Mr McCain’s running mate during his 2008 presidential bid, said the world had lost “an American original”.
From outside the US, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Mr McCain as “a great American patriot” whose “support for Israel never wavered.”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Mr McCain’s lifetime of public service had been “an inspiration to millions”.
Following news of his death, wellwishers waving flags lined the street as a hearse brought Mr McCain’s body from his ranch in Sedona, Arizona, to a funeral home in Phoenix.
The son and grandson of Navy admirals, Mr McCain was a fighter pilot during the war in Vietnam. When his plane was shot down, he spent more than five years as a prisoner of war.
While being held by his captors, he suffered torture that left him with lasting disabilities.
In politics, he took a conservative line on many issues, including opposing abortion and advocating higher defence spending.
He backed the 2003 invasion of Iraq and criticised President Obama for not intervening more in the Syrian civil war. However, he also gained a reputation as a Republican maverick who was willing to cross party lines on a range of issues.