Six-point day today

UNB, Dhaka :
The Historic Six-Point Day will be observed today in a befitting manner, commemorating the placing of the demand for autonomy for the erstwhile East Pakistan.
On this day in 1966, Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for a daylong hartal throughout East Pakistan pressing the demand for autonomy to end exploitation, deprivation, subjugation and tyranny let loose by the central government of Pakistan on the people of the eastern province.
At the call of Awami League, the people of the then East Pakistan joined the six-point movement spontaneously and observed the dawn-to-dusk hartal across the province.
The law enforcers opened fire on the demonstrators at various places in Dhaka and Narayanganj that left at least 10 killed, which intensified the movement for the provincial autonomy.
The ruling AL, its associate bodies, other political parties and socio-cultural organisations have taken various programmes to observe the day.
The AL programmes include hoisting of national and party flags atop party offices across the country and at city’s Bangabandhu Bhaban at dawn and placing of wreaths at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at city’s Dhanmondi at 7 am today.
The party will also arrange a discussion at the Institute of Engineers auditorium at 3 pm.
AL presidium member and Deputy Leader in Parliament Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury will preside over the programme, while national leaders and noted intellectuals of the country will take part as discussants, said a press release.
In a statement on Friday, Awami League general secretary and LGRD Minister Syed Ashraful Islam urged all, including leaders and activists of AL, its associate bodies and brotherly organisations to observe the day in a befitting manner following the party programmes.