Six Kuwait Maitree Hospital doctors suspended


Staff Reporter :
The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) on Saturday suspended six doctors of Kuwait-Bangladesh Maitree Hospital for “negligence” in discharging their duties.
DGHS made the move after getting a verbal consent from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Habibur Rahman Khan, additional secretary (admin wing) of the Health Service Division of the ministry, told media.
Divisional cases would also be filed against them, he added.
Kuwait-Bangladesh Maitree Hospital is one of the major hospitals where
Covid-19 patients are being treated.
Some of the suspended doctors had refused to treat infected patients, while the others had remained absent for about a month, Habibur Rahman said.
“In this crisis, people expect compassion from the doctors. But some of them refused to give treatment to Covid-19 patients even after being provided with the necessary PPE [personal protective equipment],” he added.
