Six killed in US house shooting


BBC Online :A gunman has surrendered to police in the United States after allegedly shooting dead six people, including four of his own children, near Houston.One of the suspect’s daughters is in a critical condition after being shot in the head, but she was able to direct police to him.After a 20-minute chase, the man’s car was surrounded and he gave himself up following a two-hour stand-off.Police said the incident appeared to have started over a domestic dispute.”It appears this stems from a domestic issue with a breakup in the family, from what our witness has told us”, a police press spokesman said.The gunman and his wife were estranged and she was not in the state of Texas at the time, police said.Police described the suspect as a man in his 30s with a beard who was “cool as a cucumber”.When approached by officers he was “just sitting in his car looking out at us,” said Sgt Thomas Gilliland.There followed “two hours of constant talking with a man armed with a pistol to his head and who had just killed six people”.Police had been called to a house about 18:00 (23:00 GMT) and found three children and two adults dead, a Harris County Sheriff’s Office statement said.A fourth child died in hospital. The children ranged in age from 4 to 13. The two adults are also believed to be related to the suspect.Two of the children who died had been adopted.The suspect’s 15-year old daughter, who alerted police to the shooting, is currently in critical condition in hospital.
