Sinha forced to go on leave, reiterates BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain on Saturday alleged that the government has sent Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha on ‘forced’ leave to establish its ‘control’ over the Supreme Court.
“He (CJ) is not sick. His visit to Dhakeshwari Temple has proved he is fine, and he has been sent on leave by the government exerting pressure
to bring the apex court under its control,” he said.
The BNP leader came up with the allegation while speaking at a discussion meeting at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) arranged by Jatiya Gonotantrik Party (Jagpa).
Mosharraf, a BNP standing committee member, said the government is plotting to make the country a ‘failed’ state by destroying its three basic pillars, including the judiciary.
He said Sinha joined office and constituted different benches the day he was sent on leave. “He also presided over a meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council. So, no one believes he went on leave in that afternoon after falling sick.”
Turning to the Rohingya issue, the BNP leader alleged that the government has failed to carry out effective diplomatic efforts to resolve the problem.
He said the Prime Minister had a scope to convince global leaders during the United Nations General Assembly to force Myanmar to resolve the Rohingya crisis, but she has failed to do so.
Mosharraf said people are now doubt about the government’s capability to resolve the crisis as its diplomatic efforts did not yield any positive outcome.
“Bangladesh is diplomatically alone over the Rohingya issue. China, Russia, the USA even the India are not with Bangladesh regarding the Rohingya issue due to the government’s diplomatic failure,” Mosharraf observed.