Singers, musicians recall memories of Abdul Jabbar

Entertainment Desk :
Sabina Yasmin:
We lost Jabbar bhai. His rendering style was outstanding. The singer like him will never in this country. He has a lot contribution during the Liberation War. It is really sad that within very short time we lost two legendary performers. It is really a painful matter for me. He was known to me when I was eight or nine years. He rendered songs with my elder sisters. He loved me. I got little bit scope to perform with him. My first rendition with him was the song Ogo lajuk lota. Later another play-back song titled Jibono andharey peyechhi tomarey chirodin pashey theko bondhu also got popularity.
Azad Rahman:
Abdul Jabbar is our national asset. We lost him but we can utilise his songs. He is such an artist by who can be used as an example among the new generation singers. We will never find such a heavy voice singer like him in future. We couldn’t show proper homour to him. It is really a bad luck for us. May Allah rest him in peace.
Alam Khan:
I am not well physically now. I am really feeling bad to hear the death news of him. Despite having my illness I went to see him lastly. It is no doubt Abdul Jabbar is a top class singer. He was also a voice warrior during the war of independence. Some songs in his voice became legendary in our music arena. Ore nil doriya is one of them. He is one and only. We will never hear his voice it will give me pian.
Shammi Akhter:
Jabbar Bhai is no more. I was lucky that I got the opportunity to render a song with him. Later I could not get more. Most of the time met him at BTV. May Allah bless him.
Kumar Bishwajit:
Now there is none who can call me the name of Bishu. In a word I cannot express how much he loved me. He has a lot of contribution in liberation war. He has enriched our music. In BBC survey, three songs out of 20 best songs were rendered by him. State gave him the highest honour. He was a patriotic singer. He will survive for long time for his songs. His death surely creates a void in the music.
Andrew Kishore:
 Jabbar Bhai passed away, we are crying for him. He was a pure artist. He was a great singer. He will survive till long time for his songs.
Fahmida Nabi:
Abba and Abdul Jabbar started their music careers in same time. So I can say I lost my father which really gives me pain. He always feels himself as an artist. He inspired all during the war of independence but what he got in his life? Jabbar Chacha also suffered at his last age. He passed away to keep us void. I am feeling sad not to do for him anything.