Siltation hits navigation of Shibsha river in Khulna

A Correspondent, Khulna :
The river Shibsha in Paikgachha of Khulna district is losing its navigability alarmingly due to excessive silt deposited on its bed disrupting river communication seriously.
Experts think, the excavation of the river is essential, otherwise the river might dry within a short span of time.
During on a recent visit, this correspondent found that passengers were crossing themselves and vehicles taking risk over a bamboo bridge at Sholadana trawler ghat on the river Shibsha.
This trawler ghat is the only short way from Paikgachha to Khulna Sadar. But due to non availability of trawler, passengers are using an alternative way by which they require more time and much money to reach Khulna.
Sources said, the government is earning revenue amounting Tk. 10 lakh per year from this ghat.
At least 50 trawlers ply from this ghat. Around 500 passengers and at least 200 motorbikes cross from the ghat daily. But due to siltation, the river has been losing its navigability gradually. Passengers have to cross the bamboo bridge taking serious risk. Ultimately, passengers are being compelled to lose this way. As a result, hundreds youths are losing their sources of income and at the same time the government would lose revenue amounting lacs of taka.
Experts and sufferers think, excavation of the river is urgent in order to protect it.
Shahidul Islam, the lessee said, number of passengers are reducing day by day and due to siltation, lease would not be possible in near future.
Ashraf Hossain, a passenger said, the trawler ghat is not fit for use at all. By using bamboo bridge some passengers are not agree to cross the river.
Local people alleged that the Water Development Board (WDB) is reluctant in respect of excavating the river for greater interest.
Mujibar Rahman, superintendent engineer of WDB said, “We are trying to restore the navigability of the reiver Shibsha by excavating as early as possible”.
“Letters were sent to the authorities concerned of the government for immediate steps”, Mujibar added.