Siddikur shares 7th slot at Macao Open

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh’s golfer Siddikur Rahman vividly stay in the race of $1,100,000 Venetian Macao Open after the cut-round at Macau Golf and Country Club on Friday.
Siddikur moved up to admiring joint 7th slot from joint 16th in the 2nd round scoring six-under-par 136, traded two shots more than the leader Scott Vincent of Zimbabwe who scored eight-under-par 134.
Siddikur shared the 7th slot with three other golfers, playing six sweet birdies and two dismal bogies in the 2nd round for a four-under-par 67.
In the first round, the two time Asian Tour winner 31-year golfer Siddikur traded four birdies and two bogies for a two-under-par 69.
A total of 65 golfers out of 144 qualified to stay in after the cut-round.
