Siddikur finishes 58th among 60 competitors in Rio


Bangladeshi golfer Siddikur Rahman completed his first-ever campaign in the 31st Olympic Games 2016 in a frustrating note as he finished 58th among 60 competitors after the 4th and final round held at the Olympic Golf Course in Rio on Sunday.
Siddikur, who came to the limelight after winning two Asian Tours earlier, miserably performed in his maiden Olympics campaign scoring an worse 11 over (75, 70, 75,75)= 295 .
Rose Justin of Great Britain clinched the gold medal scoring 16 under par (67, 69, 65, 76) =268, followed by Swedish golfer Stenson Henrik, who won the silver medal with 11-under-par 201.
The 31-year-old golfer, Siddikur, slipped down to 55th from 46th place after the 3rd round of the ongoing Rio Olympic on Saturday scoring overall seven-over-par 220.
Siddikur, the first Bangladeshi sportsman who qualified for the Olympics on merit, shared the 56th place after the first round with four-over-par 75 and later advanced to 46th in the 2nd round playing one-under-par 70.
Earlier, six Bangladeshi athletes — archer Shamoli Ray, shooter Abdullah Hel Baki, swimmer Mahfizur Rahman Sagar, swimmer Sonia Akhter, athlete Shirin Akhter and Mesbah Ahmed — made their early exit from the Rio Olympic 2016 in the preliminary rounds.
