Siam starts big screen debuts

He will have to stay outside Dhaka for one month at a time without family because he is going to start shooting of his first movie and will have to stay outside the capital. Promising actor of the small screen of present time Siam suddenly got the offer to act in movie Poramon 2.
He will work in role of hero in Poramon 2 under Raihan Rafi’s direction in this movie which is to be produced by Jaaz Multimedia. Today Siam will stand in front of the camera in Meherpur. He will play the role of Sujon Shah. Among the newcomers who have started their careers from small screen to big screen Siam is one of them. Though there was barrier from his family but right now Siam’s parents gave him permission to act.
While talking in this regard Siam told this correspondent, “From the very beginning my parents did not want I would continue to acting but I did not frustrate them. By same way I wanted time from them to become successful in big screen. I hope will also become successful in movie. I have a good communication with director Raihan Rafi. So I hope there will be a good work.”