Shujan wants JS dissolution for level-playing field

UNB, Dhaka :
Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan), a civil society platform, on Tuesday said it is difficult to ensure a level-playing field for all in the parliamentary elections unless parliament is not dissolved.
“As per the constitutional provision, the election will be held within 90 days before the expiry of five-year tenure of parliament. If the election is held in line with the provision, it’ll be difficult to create a level-playing field for all,” Shujan Secretary Dr Badiul Alam Majumdar told a roundtable discussion in the city.
Shujan, a platform working on good governance and election, arranged the discussion titled ‘Steps needed for a Fair, Neutral and Credible Election’ at the Jatiya Press Club.
Reading out a written statement, Badiul said constitutional structure is also a built-in barrier towards fair, neutral and competitive elections. “In this context, it won’t be easy for even the strongest and neutral election commission to arrange a competitive and credible election,” he added.
About the election-time government, the Shujan secretary said without impartial and responsible behaviour from the civil administration and law enforcement agencies that mean the government, it will not be possible for the most neutral and strongest and bold election commission to hold a fair, impartial and acceptable election.
“It’s not possible to arrange a credible election without the good conduct of the election-time government,” he added.
Shujan placed a number of recommendations for the arrangement of a fair and credible national election.
Its recommendations include the deployment of army, restoration of ‘No Vote’ provision, examining affidavits submitted by candidates and taking action against candidates who would give false information, creating a level-playing field for all before the announcement of election schedule.