Shower, thunder storm paralyses civic life

Chittagong Bureau :
The civic life in the port city Chittagong paralysed yesterday afternoon following the sudden nor’wester accompanied with thunder storm and gusty wind . The weather in the morning upto 10 am was clear with bright sunshine but suddenly drizzling followed by wind with thunderstorm begins from 11 am which intensified gradually upto 1 pm. In these period , an incident of lightning also occurred in the city leaving two dead and others injured, fire brigade sources said.
Mentionable that gusty wind with rain poured in the city on Sunday night also. Low-lying areas in the city viz. Chowkbazar, Bahaddarhat, Panchalish , GEC square, OR Nizam Road society, No.2 gate in Solasahar, Muradpur, Halishahar, Hamzarbagh and Agrabad Residential area were submerged with rain water accompanied by tidal water of the sea by knee to waist deep water.
The slum houses of these area badly damaged and few of the shanties flown away by gusty wind during the shower. Patenga met office sources said about 20 to 30 milimeter rains recorded during the period and gusty wind with speed of 50-60 kilometers blown in Chittagong and its outskirts. Further cautioned for more shower with thunder storm in the area by next 24 hours. Office goes and students faced miseries a lot to reach their destination in the morning.